Our Service
Diagnostic Imaging
We provide ECG, X-rays and ultrasounds.
The ECG is a convenient and quick way of examining the heart. It records the slight electrical changes that occur during a heartbeat as a waveform pattern. By observing an ECG, we can understand basic information about the animal’s heart such as heart rate and changes in heart muscle. Apart from using as a routine check-up, the screening can be an assessment of heart health before or during any surgery to monitor the patient’s heart condition in real time.
X-rays are used to assess lesions of the chest, abdomen, head, neck, spine or limbs, giving us more insight into the health of the animal. X-rays will be performed under sedation or anaesthesia to prevent animals from moving and affecting the imaging results.
Ultrasound examinations scan the internal structures of the pet’s body by recording reflections of ultrasonic waves from body tissues and presenting them as images on a screen. They are usually performed to examine internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, bladder and heart. The examination will be operated under sedation or anaesthesia to prevent animals from moving and achieve optimal results.